Winter Programs Banner

powered by 1966 sports camps

FC Westlake is proud to partner its off-season camps with 1966 Sports . With this partnership, we are able to offer seasonal programs which are additional to the Recreational, Junior Academy, Competitive and Elite programs.

For more information on any camps, clinics or private group or individual opportunities, please contact the staff member listed at the bottom of this page.

All camp programs will be split by age and level of play. For the Goalkeeper program, we have multiple sessions for age and level.

Camp & Clinic Directors


All offseason programs are at an extra cost to your current FC Westlake membership

The Player Development Program (PDP), is a 6-week long training program designed to bridge the gap between the Fall and Spring seasons. 

Elite Group Training is small group training of no more than 6-8 players are a time.  Groups can come together and sign up, or sign up individually and we will place with an appropriate group.

FUTSAL is a version of soccer which is super fun and competitive! It is small sided with 5 on the field at a time including a GK.  Teams are able to sign up to play 8 games over the Winter period.

Players can register together as one team (Parents pay as 1 team), or sign up individually and we will place you on an appropriate team.

How does it work?

  • Teams are coached by parent volunteers
  • Each game will have a referee
  • Coaches are responsible for making sure each team has enough players each game day.
  • Each player will receive a jersey to wear
  • There are no practices
  • Each game is 2x20 minute halves
  • Games will take place outdoors on a turf field

If you are requesting a refund or credit for a future program, please contact Mike Rees

Please note any refund within 10 days of the program starting will forfeit a 50% cancellation fee.