Welcome To Fc Westlake

Club Mission

Our goal as a youth soccer association is to nurture children and young adults in their development both as athletes and as people. We provide a firm and supportive environment, which encourages learning while building self-confidence and self-esteem. Our collective goal is to see our soccer players mature into adults who will enjoy full participation in the social and economic life of their community.


We help our soccer players grow and mature by giving them opportunities to learn new skills and meet new challenges. Successes are praised while mistakes are corrected with discretion, patience and a positive attitude. Every player, regardless of skill level, is valued as a person and is readily accepted as a contributing member of the team. We conduct our practices and our games to show respect for both the needs of the individual and the needs of the team.

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Soccer is a powerful medium for helping adolescents learn important life lessons. Soccer teaches its participants about planning and preparation, persistence and perseverance, and most importantly, cooperation and the spirit of team play. By engaging in healthy competition in a sportsmanlike environment, our young players learn these lessons.


Challenge and competition are a natural part of soccer and of life. Indeed, competition is part of what makes soccer fun. However, an excessive desire to win can take the fun out of the game. Winning should never be more important than fair play. Since our mission is to teach the values that children will need to succeed as adults, we will avoid any practice that teaches winning at the expense of fair play.

Engaging in competition teaches young people to increase their effort and focus. Engaging in healthy competition teaches people to increase their effort and focus without resorting to foul play. Parents and coaches alike must be personally committed, both by word and in action, to teaching our players the values that will enable them to become winners in life.
